
Second Referendum Presentation Starts with "Cherish the Algal Reef" 第2場公投意見發表 珍愛藻礁案率先登場

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The second referendum presentation was held with "Cherish the Algal Reef." The pro side and the opposition representative continue to attack and defend.

The 20th referendum "Cherish the Algal Reef" appeared first in the second referendum presentation. The pro side is represented by Tsai Ya-ying, a lawyer from Taiwan Wild at Heart Legal Defense Association. She pointed out the dangerous sea conditions around Datan algal reef and questioned the safety of the natural gas receiving station. Opposition representative Chao Chia-wei, the chairperson of the Taiwan Environment and Planning Association, also came prepared.

Tsai Ya-ying, Pro Representative: “CNPC once concluded in their study the sea conditions here are adverse. The tidal range is too large and safe operational days are too short. They chose to develop elsewhere. And scholars have also analyzed Datan and concluded it's the most insecure receiving station site in northern Taiwan.”

Chao Chia-wei, Opposition Representative: “In fact, most of the (data) are quoted from Chung Hsing University Professor Tsuang Ben-Jei's analysis. Professor Tsuang has now accepted the plan's modifications. He has new estimates on the number of operational days available and is willing to come out and support the modifications.”

Tsai has repeatedly emphasized that the algal reef referendum has never been anti-natural gas. But rather, it's about the rational selection of a proper site. She also pointed out that natural gas power generation is a transitional plan for the government to develop green energy. It is hoped that the government will not only focus on short-term goals but also question the arguments put forward by the opposition representatives.

Tsai Ya-ying, Pro Representative: “Indeed my data is quoted from Dr. Chao Chia-wei's data. He told us we need to start cutting natural gas around 2030. What we want to ask is, if we know that natural gas is just transitional energy, why do we have to connect here at Datan?”

Chao Chia-wei, Opposition Representative: “Even if we expand Yongan and Taichung receiving stations as scheduled by 2025, the amount of gas they can provide in 2025 is about 20.5 million tons. This is a big gap to the 24.9 million tons we need.”

Chao emphasized that natural gas must be used to reduce coal usage and nuclear power. Coal usage will inevitably arise if the receiving stations are not built. The pro side proposed an alternative site of Taipei Port, which the opposition side claimed isn't feasible. Both sides have their arguments for economic and ecological trade-offs.











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