Yen Kuan-heng Registers to Run for By-election 台中第2選區立委補選 顏寬恒今登記參選

KMT selected candidate Yen Kuan-heng went alone on Nov. 18 to register formally for the Taichung by-election.
Former legislator Yen Kuan-heng came alone to Taichung City Election Committee to collect his registration form and paid his deposit to formally register as a KMT candidate for the by-election in Taichung City's second constituency. Yen said this is his first time registering alone and the beginning of a new task. He will start campaigning in the local area and coastal residents are his biggest supporters.
Yen Kuan-heng, KMT By-election Candidate, Taichung 2nd Electoral Dist.: “I face the whole party, the ruling party, a large organization that oppresses me. For all the villagers in the coastal areas and Tun districts blame and criticize me, my team and I rely on the same folks in the coastal areas and Tun districts. ”
Yen expressed respect for the doubts and criticisms raised by the radio personality Clara Chou but he will take necessary legal actions if it involves rumor spreading and smearing. DPP candidate Lin Ching-yi also held a press conference on anti-bribery elections on the 18th. She said that coastal residents hope for a change to old, entrenched political factions.
Lin Ching-yi, DPP By-election Candidate, Taichung 2nd Electoral Dist.: “Voters in District 2 know more and more that the democratic system gives everyone a voice. Each person can fully discern what he or she wants to vote for and what kind of a candidate and values they want for the future. They also know a lot about the old political structures but they look forward to new changes in this place (Secondary District). ”
Lin believes that what citizens want is a clean election and that the Yen family's power and factions have lost their influence on the local area. This election should not be affected by gambling. Kindergarten principal Lin Chin-lien, who was the first to announce his candidacy, could not be reached before the registration deadline.
台中市第二選區立委補選國民黨參選人顏寬恒表示: 「面對整個政黨,執政黨,一個大軍壓境,對於海線、屯區,所有鄉親指責,以及對於我個人批評,我能倚靠的,以及我們的團隊,就是我們海線、屯區所有的鄉親。」