
Does Taiwan Have to Swallow Ractopamine Pork to Join CPTPP? 加入CPTPP即開放萊豬? 楊:遵守國際規範

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Regarding to the latest development of Taiwan' application for joining the CPTPP, Trade representative Yang Jen-ni says the process is getting complicated as Taiwan must keep its word to the US while protect the welfare and health of Taiwan citizens.

Lawmakers want to know if Taiwan's bid to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership hinges on Taiwan lifting its import ban on US pork imports containing animal drug Ractopamine. Office of Trade Negotiations rep Yang Jen-ni told lawmakers on the 8th that whether Taiwan is granted membership will depend on its compliance with international regulations.

Chen I-hsin, Legislator (KMT) vs. Yang Jen-ni, Deputy Trade Representative, OTN:"(What does the Ractopamine pork issue have to do with Taiwan wanting to join the CPTPP? Which country brought it up?) The CPTPP's requests are aimed at complying with international standards and scientific evidence for national health. So, member nations are all very anxious to see us be able to comply with national and international standards."

Chao Tien-ling, Legislator (DPP) vs. Yang Jen-ni, Deputy Trade Representative, OTN:"(Based on your observations, what role will the US play in this matter?) This matter represents a promise we made and whether we live up to our word. If you don't live up to your word and you end up back where you started, can you ask the other member nations to believe you when you say you will comply with all CPTPP member regulations?"

Yang says the Tsai administration has already promised to allow Ractopamine pork into Taiwan, and it can't go back on its word because it would affect Taiwan's credibility in the international community. In addition, Yang said people should trust the government as it wouldn't "trade" citizens' health for membership. Economic Affairs Minister Wang Mei-hua, meanwhile, said political factors will be the deciding factor in whether Taiwan's membership bid is successful.

Wang Mei-hua, Economic Affairs Minister:"The pork we are talking about importing is pork that meets international standards. These standards will allow Taiwan -- will let the world see how hard Taiwan is working to meet these high standards." 

Asked about TSMC handing over supply chain information to the US government, Wang said that's TSMC's business and the government did not intervene. Wang also said TSMC would protect its customers and the government would help the semiconductor industry expand manufacturing operations in Taiwan.




國民黨立委 陳以信 vs. 經貿談判辦公室副總談判代表 楊珍妮表示:「台灣想要加入CPTPP跟萊豬議題有關係,哪一個國家提出來? (CPTPP要求,是要符合國際標準科學證據國民健康,所以各會員國都很期盼看到我們,能夠符合國家國際標準。」

民進黨立委 趙天麟 vs. 經貿談判辦公室副總談判代表 楊珍妮表示:「以你的觀察,美國在這樣一個事件當中,他可能會扮演什麼角色?(這個事件,是代表我們做得承諾,我們會不會去遵守,當你都不做遵守的時候,你又回到原點的時候,你想請問,其他的國家會相信你,參加CPTPP所有的國際規範,你會去做遵守嗎?」


經濟部長 王美花表示:「我們講的是讓有符合這個國際的標準,這樣的豬肉進口,這樣的一個標準,就是讓台灣,可以讓世界看的到台灣的符合,要符合這樣高標準的一個努力方向。」



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