YouTuber Arrested for Deepfaking Porn Videos 網紅涉用深偽技術製不雅片 引風波

The deepfake porn case has cast a spotlight on gender-based violence enabled by digital technology. Civic groups say victims are often afraid to speak out, while experts warn of national security issues.
Taiwanese YouTuber Hsiao Yu was recently questioned for using deepfake technology to transplant the faces of Internet celebrities and other celebrities to create porn videos. One of the victims is fellow YouTuber Zamy. She previously shot a video to draw attention to gender-based violence enabled by digital technology.
Zamy, YouTuber:"I went from being stunned to being sad. Now, I'm a little angry. Why would you use my image like that? We need to address the issue of gender-based violence enabled by digital technology."
New types of crimes enabled by digital technology are emerging as technology improves, and are also becoming more and more common. The Women in Digital Initiative says deepfake technology is rapidly progressing, and it's hard for people to distinguish between real and fake. Women are being harmed by digital gender-based violence, and it's very difficult to apprehend perpetrators.
Chang Kai-chiang, Secretary-General, Women in Digital Initiative:"Victims are often afraid to report cases or file lawsuits because they're worried that there's no way to remove the images and because it's difficult to catch anyone from crime syndicates. They will also be subject to greater reprisal. Apps like Telegram, which offers encryption, won't provide information to the police. I feel like the police lucked out this time with the arrest."
The initiative said gender-based violence enabled by digital technology has become a global issue and deepfake technology is being misused. Several years ago, deepfake videos emerged of Israeli actress Gal Gadot. Information security experts say there may be national security issues.
Voice of Cha Shi-cho, Professor, Dept. of Information Management, NTUST:"Let's say a politician has been deepfaked using discriminatory language against certain groups. This will naturally cause people to distrust the politician, or have some other impact. That's why this type of technology needs to be addressed."
Experts say deepfake technology can be used to put words in politicians' mouths, and people will end up believing what they see is true. The technology can also be used to create threats to national security. The problem now is how this should be combatted.
YouTuber 奎丁表示:「從傻眼到難過,到現在有點憤怒。你憑什麼亂用我的肖像,我們自己更應該去重視,數位科技衍生的新興性別暴力犯罪。」
台灣數位女力聯盟秘書長 張凱強表示:「(受害者)不敢出來,就是報案或是提告,因為他們擔心,就是這樣子的影像,就是沒辦法移除,犯罪集團抓不到人,其實會導致他們被惡意的報復更嚴重,那像Telegram這樣的加密公司,其實他們根本不會把這樣子的資料,提供給警方。這次查獲,是感覺是運氣好。」
台科大資管系教授 查士朗表示:「就是被偽造的時候,講了一些對某一些族群的,一些歧視的發言。那自然而然,也會造成,就是說,對於那個政治人物的不信任,或者是一些的影響,所以這個技術來說,的確是需要去重視。」