
Close to 100 Public Figures Became Victims of Deepfake Porn Videos 網紅將不雅片換臉成名人販售 近百人受害

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An internet influencer under the name of Hsiao Yu recently profited by making and selling deepfake videos online where celebrities' and politicians' faces were swapped onto porn actors and actresses. Almost a hundred people, including politicians, entertainers, and YouTubers, have become victims of deepfake porn.

An internet influencer going by the name of Hsiao Yu made use of deepfake technology and made deceitful videos where public figures' faces were swapped onto actors or actresses in porn films. Almost a hundred people, including politicians, entertainers, and YouTubers, have become victims of deepfake porn. President Tsai Ing-wen said the government will push for tighter rules on the use of technologies for a crime involving pornographic videos online and consider revision of related law. During a legislative interpellation over whether penalties for cybercrime are too light, Justice Minister Tsai Ching-hsiang said that revision of related law is currently being write up and will be sent to the Executive Yuan for review within a month.

Tsai Ching-hsiang, Minister of Justice vs. Lai Shyh-bao, Legislator (KMT):"(Is a month enough? One month.) The Ministry of Justice is making revisions and will send them to the Executive Yuan for review. (Premier Su, this is a great disturbance to society. Technology crime is really bad.)"

Hsiao Yu and other accomplices currently face criminal charges of the dissemination of obscene materials and offenses against reputation and credit. Dissemination of obscene materials is punishable by up to two years of imprisonment only and the sentence could be commuted to a fine. DPP legislator Kao Chia-yu is also a victim of deepfake porn. She said AI-generated fake videos without one's consent are unacceptable and dissemination of disinformation should be quashed. Current legislation for persecuting cybercrime is too outdated and is in need of reform, Kao said.

Kao Chia-yu, Legislator (DPP):"It's not just me. Many public figures, and famous women celebrities are extremely upset over this matter. It is unacceptable. Our society should condemn such actions and put an end to it."

Voice of Lin Chun-hung, Lawyer of Taipei Division, Legal Aid Foundation:"The person being impersonated must feel very upset. New regulations and laws to protect own image and reputation should be set up."

Lawmakers say whether to amend the current relevant law or to draft a new set of laws fit for cybercrimes should be open for discussion. Civil groups over the recent years have pushed for and proposed various draft versions of protection against the infringement of personal and private images. These versions are waiting to be reviewed by the Legislative Yuan. Lawmakers strongly suggest to include deepfake frauds in the draft to cover the latest form of cybercrimes.





國民黨立委 賴士葆 vs.法務部長 蔡清祥表示:「(一個月可以嗎? 一個月!) 我們法務部可以提出來,提出來送到行政院。(這個院長,是很多社會上的人困擾,這是高科技拿來犯罪,很不好!)」


民進黨立委 高嘉瑜表示:「不只我,也有很多公眾人物,還有知名的女星藝人。那所有的人,其實對於這樣的行為,都是非常的生氣,而且絕對不能容忍。那社會也應該共同提出譴責,並且應該要遏止這樣的行為。」

司改會法扶台北分會律師 林俊宏表示:「雖然不是本人,可是確實有造成相關人,一定程度的受害,或者是非常不舒服,所以在這個部分的話,像私密影像的保障上,可能要另外立法做處理。」



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