交警違規跨雙黃線超車 騎士質疑遭逼車 Traffic police illegally crosses double yellow line

A Kaohsiung City traffic police chief was caught crossing a double yellow line and stopping a scooter driver that had pressed on his horn from leaving. The police say the chief did not have any ill intentions but has been fined and admonished.
As the scooter rider makes a right turn, he stops to let a pedestrian cross the street. Behind him, someone blasts their horn. A few moments later, a police car illegally passes the scooter. The startled scooter rider presses on his horn to warn the police car. The driver of the police car slams on his brakes and parks in front of the scooter. This incident happened at the end of September in Kaohsiung.
Chang Chia-ming, Chief Supervisor, Kaohsiung City Traffic Police Corps: “The driver of the scooter was pressing his horn, and the officer thought someone needed help. He hit his brakes to slow down. Because the scooter driver didn't try to flag him down, he mistakenly thought nothing had happened.”
The police driver in question is a Traffic Police Corps squadron chief. The police say he did not have any ill intentions. However, the squadron chief has been fined NT$2,400 for crossing a double yellow line while passing the scooter. He also received an admonishment. Some people say this is a bad look by the police.
Ms. Chen, Citizen:” This seems like an abuse of power to me. It affects the rights of road users.”
Mr. Chen, Citizen: “ This doesn’t exactly set a good example.”
The squadron chief says he regrets what he did and for setting a bad example. The Traffic Police Corps also say they will improve internal education and training.
高市警交通警察大隊督察組長 張家銘:「(超車時)後方的機車,有按鳴一聲長喇叭。我們同仁誤認那個,是不是有民眾要請求協助,所以他就踩踏煞車、降低速度,最後因為後面的一個騎士,沒有相關的一些舉動,所以誤認說應該是沒有什麼事情。」
民眾 陳小姐:「好像耍特權的感覺,這樣子的話,去影響到用路人的權益。」
民眾 陳先生:「舉止上還是對於這樣的逼車,這樣已經有點不好的示範。」