
Partial Scaffolding Collapse in Taoyuan; Road Closure In Place 桃園拆除工程外牆鷹架傾倒 緊急封路

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Just days after a 40-year-old hotel in Hualien City toppled into the street during its demolition, a similar incident took place in Chungli District of Taoyuan, with scaffolding around the building collapsing due to strong wind. Luckily no one was hurt.

There was a partial scaffolding collapse of a building that has been undergoing demolition work nearby a gas station on Longgang Road in Chungli District. Pieces of the structure stopped short of falling on the sidewalk as they got stuck on the telephone wires in between the poles. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Residents are especially worried about demolition accidents after what had just happened in Hualien.

Chungli resident:"The scaffolding just fell all of a sudden yesterday. Everyone is nervous because the hotel in Hualien had collapsed during demolition work just a few days ago. There is a road closure now in place. Power was off last night in the neighborhood and didn't get restored till morning."

Police arrived after receiving a report from residents. They closed off the section of the road affected and ordered a power cutoff. The scaffolding had fallen around 10pm during the night of the 3rd and four cranes were brought in to try to remove the scaffolding. The road was re-opened at 5:30am on the 4th.

Lin Shih-hua, Chief, Construction industry Div., Office of Labor Inspection, Taoyuan:"The company providing the demolition service has violated the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Structures should be dismantled starting from the top and work their way down. A penalty fine between NT$30,000 and NT$300,000 will be given."

The building undergoing demolition is a five-story reinforced concrete building. The Taipei Labor Inspection Office had just inspected the work during the daytime on Oct. 3 and specifically ordered the company to quickly carry on with dismantling structures starting from the top. However, the scaffolding peeled away at nighttime on the same day.  Preliminary investigation showed that the force of the wind was too strong for the scaffolding since the building had already been stripped down to its frames. The labor inspection office has again ordered the company to strictly follow all safety procedures as they proceed with demolition work.







桃市勞檢處營造業科長 林詩樺表示:「他違反了職安法令規定,拆除結構物必須由上而下來依序拆除。違反法令的部分,我們會依規定,來裁罰3到30萬元的罰鍰。」



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