Songshan District School Shut Down After Student Tested Positive 北市松山某國中學生確診 全校今停課

Two middle schools in Taipei spontaneously shut down as Delta variant looming over Taiwan.
Presenter: Two schools have been shut down for a day after a junior high school tested positive for COVID-19. The student got a PCR test due to chest discomfort. After the test came back positive, everyone else at the school was tested as well. Quarantine has been ordered as the paths of staff from the junior high school and the construction worker in New Taipei City have crossed.
A Songshan District junior high school student tested positive for COVID-19 on the 9th. Classes were suspended on the 10th.
Junior High School Student:”I had to confirm with my teacher. (Because you went to bed very early last night?) Yeah.”
The class the student is in, which has 29 students, has been shut down for 14 days. The other 624 students in 23 other classes stayed home on Sept. 10 for one day. The elementary school attended by a family member of the student also closed for one day. A school official says the student has attended classes since the semester started and didn't have any symptoms until the 9th.
Junior High School Director:”The student is part of a school team, so he doesn't attend school in his own school district. He felt some discomfort in his chest (on the 9th), but had no other symptoms before that. He (attended) a tutoring session after school with three other students. They are in quarantine.”
Taipei City Hospital Vice Superintendent Hsu Chia-chen visited the school to observe the administration of PCR tests. It is unclear how the student got infected.
Tsai Ping-kun, Taipei City Deputy Mayor:”The student, school staff, and the New Taipei City case all crossed paths. However, there is no connection between Songshan District and New Taipei City.”
Junior High School Director:”Three classes have been suspended until next Tuesday. Classes will resume on Wednesday. The school also had a professional cleaning company come in to sterilize the campus.”
Staff that had contact with the student have been ordered to quarantine. Meanwhile, three classes with 90 students that had contact with the students have been suspended for five days. A preschool has also suspended classes with 19 students order to quarantine as a precautionary measure. The junior high school has 1,300 students and the school will arrange online classes for students that have requested disease prevention leave.
台北市副市長 蔡炳坤:「(國中)教職員跟確診者,跟新北確診者有足跡重疊,那松山區的部分跟新北無關。」