More African swine fever products found in Vietnamese mooncakes and dumplings 越南月餅.蝦仁水餃 又驗出非洲豬瘟病毒

A task force is continuing to track Vietnamese meat products illegally imported into Taiwan. A Vietnamese woman was selling mooncakes online for NT$160 each. She was also keeping the last six mooncakes and said these all for herself. The mooncakes later tested positive for African swine fever.
On Aug. 25, a National Immigration Agency task force searched this Cianzhen residence and found six Vietnamese mooncakes in the kitchen.
Kaohsiung City Task Force Member / Ms. Ho:” Where did your mooncakes come from? I don't know. I have to ask the distributor.”
This Vietnamese woman, who married a Taiwanese man two years ago, was selling mooncakes online for NT$160 each. She was keeping the last six mooncakes, which later tested positive for African swine fever, for herself. Authorities say the rest of the batch had already been sold to consumers in Kaohsiung, Tainan, and Taichung.
Yuan Kai, Deputy Chief, National Immigration Agency Kaohsiung Task Force:” We recovered 16 Vietnamese mooncakes weighing a total of 3.7 kilograms in Kaohsiung, Tainan, and Taichung. We also collected evidence including accounts, shipping notices, and the seller's mobile phone. The mooncakes were sent to the Kaohsiung City Animal Protection Office for testing and came back positive for African swine fever.”
Kaohsiung police also received a tip about a Vietnamese worker at a Hong Kong roast meat restaurant who was selling imported shrimp and pork dumplings. The dumplings also tested positive for ASF.
Kuo Ming-chin, Secretary, Kaohsiung City Animal Protection Office:” Twenty-three seized items came in for testing and four tested positive for African swine fever. The other 19 tested negative. Again, we urge everyone to refrain from buying food products of unknown origin online.”
With new items testing positive for ASF, the search for food products illegally imported into Taiwan will continue.
高雄市專勤隊人員 vs. 何姓女子:「你月餅是跟誰訂貨的?不知道,我問廠商一下。」
移民署高雄專勤隊副隊長 袁愷:「分別在高雄、台南及台中等地,共查扣16顆越南月餅計3.7公斤,多本帳冊,託運單及犯案手機等證物。本隊將越南月餅全數送至高雄市動物保護處檢驗,結果竟驗出非洲豬瘟病毒。」
高雄市動保處秘書 郭明欽:「本市共查獲送驗有23件檢體,其中有4件非洲豬瘟陽性反應,其餘19件為陰性,在此要特別呼籲民眾,切勿自國外走私網購不明來源的食品。」