
US Lawmakers Urge Biden to Sign FTA with Taiwan 美23位議員致函拜登 籲與台灣洽簽FTA

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Dozens of U.S. lawmakers have urged U.S. President Joe Biden to pursue a formal free trade agreement with Taiwan. They also praised the contributions of the TSMC in the letter. In response, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its gratitude. 

It would bring economic and security benefits. They also said Taiwan has been a steadfast ally in the U.S.' fight against the expansion of China's influence and military power in Southeast Asia. They believe that a Taiwan-U.S. FTA would demonstrate the U.S.' commitment to Indo-Pacific security and prosperity. We will continue to work with relevant domestic ministries to promote the signing of a Taiwan-U.S. FTA.
Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said during a forum that the U.S. would support Taiwan's defense and urged the U.S. to rebuild relations with many countries to jointly counter China. Meanwhile, European Parliament members have discussed visiting Taiwan while the EU passed a resolution to sanction Chinese for human rights abuses.
外交部發言人 歐江安表示:「帶來經濟跟安全的利益,同時他們也指出,這個台灣是美國對抗這個中共,在東南亞地區的相關影響力,還有中國軍事擴張的一個堅實盟友。他們相信台美FTA,可以展現美國來維護這個印太聯邦安全跟繁榮。我們將持續地跟國內相關部會,來共同努力,持續來推動洽簽台美FTA。」
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