
Hiker Got Shot in Ankle on Tzaishan Trail 高雄柴山流彈傷人 恐來自海陸快艇所射

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A 66 year-old hiker got accidentally shot by a stray bullet while he was hiking up Tzaishan in Kaohsiung last Friday. There was also a shooting training going on at sea during that day. The bullet is from a M2 machine gun, which is also what the military was using for training at the moment on sea. The wounded has filed a lawsuit againt the military for negligence.

The hiker's ankle is blooding from a mysterious shot. This accident happened when he was hiking up Tzaishan in Kaohsiung and resting by the Four Banyans on the morning of 11th with his friends. Local police had found a M2 Browning bullet some 200 meters away originally, leading them to believe that the bullet was from a nearby shooting range where the Navy's Marine Corps was undergoing training at the bottom of Tzaishan. However, further investigation showed otherwise.
There was also a shooting training going on at sea during that day. The bullet is from a M2 machine gun, which is also what they were using for training at the moment on sea. Police investigation shows that the angle in which the bullet came from should be from the sea. Further ballistic examination need to be carried out for identification.

Police originally thought that the stray bullet had come from a shooting range nearby, about 0.85 kilometers away from where the 66 year-old hiker, Mr. Chen was resting. However, further investigation showed that M2 machine guns were not used that day at the shooting range, and instead was used by military along the sea coast also doing training that day two kilometers away. The missed shot happened since the bullet's path is angled too high which made it fly up and through the hill, hitting Chen by mistake.
Mr. Chen has filed a personal injury lawsuit due to negligence by the military to claim for his medical expenses and our investigation is still ongoing.
Kaohsiung Prosecutors Office says investigation is still ongoing and this case falls under no trial without complaint. The Marine Corps Command says that they would cooperate with the police investigation and if there is indeed military negligence, Chen can seek compensation from the government.
高雄地檢署襄閱主任檢察官 徐弘儒表示:「當天,確實有海上演練,是一個50機槍,海上射擊課目演練。那經過警方到現場比對,也是以海面射擊的角度,較為吻合。但是此部分,仍有待進一步的彈道比對,才能夠釐清。」
高雄地檢署襄閱主任檢察官 徐弘儒表示:「被害人的部分,在我們展開調查後,他在警察局,製作筆錄時,也正式提出"過失傷害"告訴。」
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