
Taiwan Revises "First Strike" Definition|共機頻擾台 國軍修正第一擊為自衛反擊權

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The Ministry of National Defense amended the definition of "first strike" under the military's war readiness regulations. Under international law, Taiwan can use the right of self-defense to fight back if its airspace is invaded.

People's Liberation Army aircraft have repeatedly approached Taiwan in recent months. The Ministry of National Defense has responded by amending the definition of "first strike" under the military's war readiness regulations to include the "right to launch a defensive first strike." This means that if the PLA undertakes preparations to attack Taiwan, Taiwan will launch a preemptive strike in self-defense under the three principles of no provocation, no fearing of the enemy, and averting wild shooting.

The Ministry of National Defense consulted the definition of right of self-defense as written in Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations and clearly set the standard for every unit as a countermeasure against the threat of enemies. With regards to the aircraft that have entered our air defense identification zones, the military continues to uphold the principles of no provocation and no fearing of the enemy.

If our territorial airspace is invaded, then we can directly invoke the right of self-defense. If the enemy threatens areas outside of our territorial airspace and continues with hostile behavior even after we don't react for a second time, then we can legally invoke the right of self-defense.

Under Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, countries have the right of self-defense if faced with external invasions of their airspace and territorial waters. Experts say clearly differentiating between the Chinese language concepts of "first strike" and "defensive first strike" can help to boost morale. Last week, Han Kuang computer-simulated war games showed that the military may have an insufficient supply of precision ammunition and is not procuring enough from the U.S. if faced with a saturation attack by China. The MND said the strictest parameters were used for the war games.

There is no issue of insufficient ammunition. However, to respond accordingly to new situations and new dangers, we used the strictest parameters for the war games.

Based on publicly available information, there are no fewer than 3,000 anti-tank missiles. We also have Patriot missiles and Sky Bow I, II, and III missiles, which add up to around 800.

Experts say long-range precision missiles such as Patriot missiles are an important tool in asymmetric warfare. Taiwan's arms preparedness will remain a key direction in the future. Meanwhile, the PLA began a three-day, live ammunition drill in the Yellow Sea on Sept. 21, following exercises in the Taiwan Strait. The ministry says it is fully aware of the situation.


國防部發言人 史順文表示:「國防部參考聯合國憲章第51條,自衛權定義,明確律定各部隊準據,來反制敵情的威脅。至於進入我防空識別區的機艦,國軍仍然秉持不挑釁不怯敵。」

國防安全研究所國民資源產業研究所所長 蘇紫雲表示:「若領空遭到入侵,那就可以直接遂行自衛權。(領空之外)如果受到敵人威脅,那第二個迴避之後,對方還是採取敵意行為,那就是合法自衛。」


國防部發言人 史順文表示:「並沒有彈藥不足的問題,但是為了因應新情勢、新威脅,兵棋推演設定最嚴酷的作戰場景。」

國防安全研究所國民資源產業研究所所長 蘇紫雲表示:「以公開資料來看,反戰車飛彈不下3000枚,還有愛國者,加上天攻一、二型加上三型,這些加起來800枚左右。」

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