
Taiwan Stock Exchange Surpasses 13,000 Points|台股衝衝衝 早盤衝破1萬3千點刷新高

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Shares of contract chipmaker Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company set new highs in early trading in Taipei on Tuesday morning, rising the maximum 10 percent before retreating.

Hot money propelled the Taiwan Stock Exchange to new heights on July 28. The massive number of transactions caused the index to rise by over 400 points at the start of trading. At one point, it exceeded 13,000 points. After hitting 13,031 points, it began retreating under profit-taking selling pressure and fell to 12,642 points.

If you look at it from a short term perspective, 13,000 points is unsustainable, because the quantity of transactions at this mark is too unusual. It's clear that people were taking gambles and it's possible that the index will first fall and then rise.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company shares began trading at NT$464. The price then rose to NT$466. The gain was 9 percent based on the share price the previous day. The effects of selling pressure then kicked in, affecting the share price and causing it to fall to NT$435 at one point. The TSE has seen recent bullish gains, and investors have different opinions. Some have adopted a wait and see approach, while others are optimistic about gains.

It should steadily rise. I don't think we've seen the ceiling yet.

I wouldn't consider investing in the Taiwan Stock Exchange. There was one senior citizen who invested his pension and lost all of it.

Analysts say the stock exchange has performed well recently, but there are signs of pulling back. Investors should not act hastily. Moreover, the influx of hot money will cause the NT dollar to set new highs. Twenty minutes after the market opened, the NT dollar was at NT$29.23 to the U.S. dollar, rising by 27.7 cents, the highest level since April 2018.

熱錢滾滾,推升台股持續衝高,罕見巨量交易,台股早盤一度大漲超過400點,盤中指數突破一萬三千點關卡,不過,觸及1萬3031 點後,出現獲利了結賣壓,盤勢一路下滑,盤中最低一度來到1萬2642點。

萬寶投顧分析師 王榮旭表示:「短線上來看的話,一萬三千點並沒有辦法站穩,因為一萬三千點,這一個地方,爆得量太大,顯然就是有人在丟出籌碼,不排除就是說,指數部份可能先下再上。」



民眾表示:「我不會考慮台股啦,長輩有一個就是投資嘛,後來把他退休金 全部都泡湯了。」

分析師表示,近期台股表現佳,不過短線觀察,有拉回整理跡象,呼籲投資人不要貿然追高。也強調在熱錢湧入下,台幣也不斷創高,開盤 20 分鐘,就出現29.23 元,狂飆多達 2.77 角,再寫 2018年4 月以來新高紀錄,股匯雙漲,熱錢帶動下,看好台股長線"多頭"格局。
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