Cut-off Date Extended for Hakka Travel Voucher|客庄券登記續卡 客委會:截止日延後2天

The Hakka Affairs Council online system crashed once again on the second day of registering for the Hakka Village Travel Voucher raising complaints.
People are still having a hard time logging into the official Line account for the Hakka Village Travel Voucher on the second day of its registration. The Hakka Affairs Council (HAC) is raffling off limited free "Hakka village travel vouchers" valued at NT$800 but system has crashed for two days in a row. On 8:26 am, the Line account for the Hakka Village Travel Voucher asked people not to log in temporarily and that the system is expected to be back to normal before 9 am. However, at 8:55 am, the system still could not handle the large influx of log-ins and issued another announcement, asking the public to resume the process after the system testing is complete.
I was watching while my daughter tried to log in the system. (What happened when she couldn't log in?) All we can do is give up. (Do you think the Hakka Affairs Council was prepared for this?) Do you think they were ready?
The Council should reflect on this incident. I have only logged in successfully once. None of my family members were able to log in. I'll just do it later.
The Changhua County Government was also unsatisfied with the HAC. The Puxin Township Office at Changhua County has recently restored the old Nanchang Hall to be used in promoting the Hok Lo-kheh culture. However, the cultural zone was not covered by the Hakka Village Travel Voucher, which the Puxin Township Mayor and the Changhua County Government deemed as unfair.
There are a lot of Hakka-related scenic areas in Puxin Township. We were hoping that the Hakka Affairs Council would help to revitalize the economy of our remote townships by granting more subsidies. Actually, it's not really that remote, it's just that these townships are lacking resources.
Hok Lo-kheh is used to refer to Hakka people who were assimilated by people who came from the Fujian Province. Under the Hakka Affairs Council's regulation, the Hakka Village Travel Voucher can only be used in areas with one-third of its population belonging to the Hakka. Nevertheless, Changhua residents still feel neglected. In response to the crashing of the system, the HAC said the cut-off date for registration will be extended for two days to midnight on July 28.
民眾表示:「我女兒試(登記),我在旁邊觀賞。(妳女兒試不進去,怎麼辦?) 怎麼辦?就不要啊!(會覺得說,客委會怎麼沒做好準備嗎?) 妳覺得他們有做好準備過嗎?」
彰化埔心鄉長 張乘瑜表示:「因為我們埔心鄉,營造這麼多客家的景點,我們其實很熱切希望客委會,能夠振興我們偏鄉,也不算偏鄉,算是比較資源貧乏的鄉鎮,能夠挹注更多的補助經費。」