
Parents Petition to Bring Back Children Stuck in China |未開放陸配子女來台 親屬總統府前陳情

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Parents gather outside the Presidential office, urging the government to allow their children stranded in China to return. Even though their petition was accepted, authorities say the pandemic seems to have resurged in China, they will monitor the situation closely before any decisions can be made.

Parents and family members of more than 30 children of Chinese citizens once again gathered outside the Presidential Office to voice their concerns on the 14th. They shouted loudly in front of the government building, hoping President Tsai Ing-wen could hear them. A little girl even shed her tears because she missed her elder sister stranded in China.

I miss my older sister so much. I hope the government can let my sister come back soon.

I beg President Tsai, Premier Su and Minister Chen Shi-chung to let our children come home and have a chance to go to school.

Parents said their children are still not able to return in the foreseeable future despite the fact that the pandemic situation has eased and border controls have been relaxed. Other than being apart from their families, these children haven't been able to attend school for the entire semester, facing potential suspension due to the lack of academic records.

Summer vacation is the best time for them to come back. Because they won't be in contact with classmates for 1.5 months.

These parents have formed a self-help group, and said they are willing to pay for transportation, testing and cooperate with necessary prevention measures as long as their children are allowed to return. The group is urging the government to come up with concrete plans to bring those stranded children back. The Presidential Office has accepted their petition.

Please bring my older sister back.

We need to observe the pandemic prevention measures as a whole in China first before any decision is made. The government will cooperate with the Command Center to discuss related plan and assist children who are born to Chinese spouse to be able to come back to Taiwan as soon as possible.

The Mainland Affairs Council said the pandemic in China seems to have resurged, which would in turn affect the island's prevention and control policy. The Central Epidemic Command Center said it and other relevant authorities will monitor the situation in China closely before coming up with any supplementary plans.



家長 許小姐表示:「求求蔡總統、蘇院長、陳時中部長,讓我們的小孩,有一條回家的路,有一個讀書的機會。」


家長 王先生表示:「(暑假)這個時候,是他們回來的最好的時間點。因為他們回來之後,有一個半月的時間,其實不會跟學校的同學接觸。」



陸委會發言人 邱垂正表示:「需要觀察,中國大陸整體防疫的情況,再做決定。政府會配合指揮中心,積極研議相關的方案,盡速協助陸配子女,能夠儘快順利返台。」

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