
Fire That Killed Family of Four in June was Arson?|關廟民宅火警4死 從意外逆轉為縱火案

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A fire in Tainan's Guanmiao on June 23 killed four members of three generations of the same family. Although most people believed initially that the fire was caused by an electrical or gas fault, prosecutors dove deep into the investigation and discovered it may have been arson.

This fire in Guanmiao's Huayuan Borough took the lives of a family of four on June 23. While it was initially ruled an electrical fire, investigators now believe it may have been arson.

What was suspicious about this person was that he had burns on his right palm. (Chang's family members) were present when we searched his home. We found a gas tank with a white residue. This man was definitely involved somehow.

On June 24, a Guanmiao resident surnamed Chang killed himself. Police say there'd been some kind of dispute between Chang and the victims and Chang fought with the family at their home on at least one occasion. Chang was also spotted in the area shortly before the fire. One neighbor says Chang frequently visited the family to make trouble.

(He was making trouble?) I've heard that, but I never witnessed it myself personally so I don't know.

(He was making trouble?) A month or two ago. He fought with them for a long time. (At the time of the fire), he was on the scene. He watched them carry the bodies out of the house. No one knew he was the one who set the fire. He also tried to borrow money from someone and said he was going to flee.

Police say Chang is the chief suspect because before he killed himself, he had burn scars on his hands, once told a friend he was carrying the burden of four lives, and talked about borrowing money and running away. Investigators hope forensic evidence will help them solve the case.


歸仁分局副分局長 張翊雋表示:「這個人,比較可疑的地方,因為他右手掌有燒燙傷痕跡。(張姓家屬)陪同之下,去搜索張姓男子住屋處,裡面有發現,有白色的殘留的汽油桶,我們研判這名男子,涉案程度很高。」


死者家屬表示:「(來鬧事) 我是有聽說,但實際上我不在場,我也不知道。」


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