Mistreated Raccoon Rescued from Coffee Shop|咖啡店養浣熊吸客 疑涉放狗咬.球拍施虐

There is a coffee shop in Taipei where customers can interact with a raccoon kept as a pet by the owner. Recently, the Taipei City Animal Protection Office received a report that the raccoon was being mistreated, and a video was released online showing the owner allowing a dog to bite the raccoon. The office sent its Animal Rescue Team for an inspection, and the owner admitted to mistreating the raccoon.
Rocket is a raccoon whose owner runs a coffee shop. Customers are allowed to interact with Rocket. However, a recent video shared online showed the owner releasing a dog that ended up biting Rocket. The Taipei City Animal Protection Office also received reports of the owner throwing tennis balls at Rocket and causing him to bleed.
The office's Animal Rescue Team, accompanied by city councilors, therefore went to inspect the situation. The owner admitted to mistreatment and apologized profusely.
I am sorry I did not take proper care of my raccoon and causing trouble for everyone.
The owner claimed he and Rocket had a good relationship, but Rocket was hard to discipline and therefore he didn't know what to do, resulting in these lapses of judgment. He said the video was from over a year ago. Meanwhile, the office said the owner may face a fine and all four of his raccoons will be taken away.
The fine is NT$15,000 to NT$75,000. We will examine this entire case to decide on the fine amount.
The office added raccoons are wild animals. They can be kept as pets, but whether they can be used as entertainment and put on display at coffee shops is questionable. The owner previously charged customers for performances, but said he stopped doing that. The office will discuss this case with the Council of Agriculture to clarify if any regulations on performing animals have been violated.
台北市動保處救援隊隊長 吳晉安表示:「它的罰鍰級距,是1萬5到7萬5千元,大概是這個部分。我們會再依他整個案情,去決定說,我們要罰鍰,到什麼樣的金額。」