Election Worker Who Posted About Recall Fraud Was "Kidding"|網傳罷韓投票假訊息 男到案後稱"開玩笑"

A Kaohsiung man posted a photo of his voting station work permit from the June 6 Han Kuo-yu recall vote on Line and said he'd secretly prepared a stack of "yes" ballots. He was reported and has been prosecuted for violating the Criminal Code. He told the police he was just messing around and didn't know it would turn into such a big deal.
A Kaohsiung man posted this photo of his voting station work permit on the day of the recall vote against Mayor Han Kuo-yu. The man also posted that he'd prepared a stack of "yes" ballots. His post quickly went viral and he was quickly brought in for questioning by police.
He posted on social media about influencing the election. For example, he said he discovered ballot fraud at a polling station.
The man told police he'd only been joking about the stack of ballots and didn't know it would turn into such a big deal.
These posts are a violation of the Civil Servant Election and Recall Act or Criminal Code or Social Order Maintenance Act.
The Central Election Commission has declared the story "fake news" and criticized the man for insulting the government. It also says netizens are only hurting themselves when they share fake news and they will be filled with regret for doing so.
高雄市刑大科技犯罪偵查隊長 郭丁太表示:「在社群媒體上發言,或用貼圖或用其他言語,去張貼說有影響選舉狀況,譬如說他發現有投開票所作票。」
高雄市刑大科技犯罪偵查隊長 郭丁太表示:「這些部分的言論,都已經觸犯選罷法,或者刑法妨礙投票,妨礙正確投票罪,或者是社維法。」