
Junior High School Test Results Released|國中會考今寄發成績單 開放網路查詢

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Results for the Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students have been out. Experts say the percentage of students that performed well in the five major subjects rose slightly from last year.

Students rush to the computer lab after class to find out how they did on the Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students.

We compared notes after the exam, but I'm still afraid I filled out the answer cards wrong.

I'm really scared I got the answers wrong. (Which high school do you want to go to?) Taipei First Girls High School.

I'm really good at English listening comprehension. I almost never get a question wrong. The elimination of the listening comprehension portion was a pretty big loss for me.

The listening comprehension portion of the English test was canceled this year due to the pandemic, so the entire English test was reading comprehension. National Taiwan Normal University's Research Center for Psychological and Educational Testing says results were around the same as last year. Overall, the percentage of students that performed well and performed poorly in the five major subjects rose and fell slightly, respectively, from last year. In the essay portion, the number of students who got full marks rose.

Many schools teach essay-writing. In general, we announce the essay topic ahead of time. This kind of guided writing is easier for students.

This year's essay topic was "What kind of store would you like to open?" Many students chose coffee shops or general stores. One student that received full marks on his essay wrote about opening a Hakka/Fujianese noodle restaurant to keep memories of his maternal grandparents alive. In the essay, he talked about language barriers and the Hakka spirit.

An average score is awarded for a general essay structure that includes motivation or a blueprint for a plan.

Students will now fill out their school preference lists. One expert says students should refer to last year's admissions standards to assess their chances of getting into specific schools.


北市中正國中學生 蘇同學表示:「就考試出來的時候,有對過答案,但是我是很怕,我填錯答案卡。」

北市中正國中學生 陳同學表示:「就是很怕我對錯答案。(很想唸哪裡?) 北一女!」

北市中正國中學生 劉同學表示:「(我的)強項是英文聽力,所以基本上,考英文聽力的時侯,都不會錯,然後沒有聽力,就損失比較大。」


台師大心測中心主任 陳柏熹表示:「很多學校,他們也對於學生們的寫作,有做一些訓練。而且我們這麼多年,我們的題目,都陸陸續續公告,大家也都大概知道說,這種引導式的寫作,比較好發揮。」

今年作文"想開設一家怎樣的店",不少人想開咖啡店和雜貨店,有考生想開一家代表客家本色的福菜麵館, 提及與外公外婆的記憶,描述語言隔閡與客家精神,獲得六級分肯定。

高雄師範大學國文系教授 李金鴦表示:「想像動機、緣由,或者規劃的藍圖,去做簡單的說明,完整,這個大概就有四級分。」

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