Kaohsiung Mayor Hosts Disaster Prevention Meeting|高市豪雨15處積水 韓國瑜主持防災會議

Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu was scheduled to visit Meinong on the morning of May 27th. Instead he hosted a disaster prevention meeting instead due to the heavy rainfall which had begun early in the morning. According to Han, there are standing waters in 15 places and have begun to subside. Han said he has decided to attend the meeting because the thunder storm and heavy rain were quite alarming.
Accompanied by his aides, Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu appeared at the disaster response center to listen to briefings from relevant authorities.
As of now, the accumulated maximum rainfall was observed at the Cianjhen District with 250 mm of rain.
Kaohsiung has received over 250mm of rain, well above the threshold of extremely heavy rain. Compounded by high tide that has slowed the water from receding, 15 places have been flooded in the city since the early morning.
Currently, the accumulated rainfall is about 250mm with 15 flooding sites. But as the rainfall slows down, the water has gradually depleted in these 15 sites.
Han said the thunderstorm late last night made him worried about his citizens. Therefore, he decided to change his schedule to attend and host the disaster prevention meeting instead. As the Mayor left the Disaster Prevention Center, the meeting was downgraded to the second level of authorization.
When asked about the information revealed by National Police Agency Director-general Chen Chia-chin that the June 6th recall election could be "watched closely" by mafia members, the head of Kaohsiung's Information Bureau Cheng Chao-hsin responded on Han's behalf.
We hope we can get the detailed information. When the Mayor was informed of such news, he was shocked. If it is possible, we would like to ask the Director-general to set up a special investigation team.
Han kept a low-profile and left the scene while the Chief of Information Office was answering municipal affairs other than the flooding situation. As the heavy rain keeps battering Kaohsiung, the Mayor is fully focused on disaster prevention and continues to avoid questions regarding the recall.
高雄市長 韓國瑜表示:「目前降水量大概有250釐(毫)米,有15處淹水點,雨勢稍緩之後,這15處淹水點陸陸續續開始退水。」
高雄市新聞局長 鄭照新表示:「我們希望要有確切的情資,市長第一時間了解這個,他非常的訝異,也請署長如果可以的話,成立專案小組來調查。」