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Taipei MRT Cancelling 20 Percent Fare Discount|北捷電子票8折優惠2月取消 改分級回饋

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Starting next month, the Taipei MRT will cancel its 20 percent discount on fares. After February, it will switch to a new system where frequent riders get discounted fares. Anyone that takes at least 51 rides a month will get a 30 percent discount.

The Taipei MRT is cancelling its 20 percent e-ticket discount. Starting in February, only frequent riders will enjoy discounted fares.

I don't take (the MRT) that often. If the (20 percent discount) is canceled and only daily commuters get discounts, I won't be as willing to take (the MRT).

I take the MRT probably around 25 to 30 times (a month). (Will you be affected if fares go up?) It won't affect how often I take (the MRT).

(Will this have a major impact on your transportation expenses?) Isn't there the NT$1,280 (monthly pass) now? You can use that too. It's actually more cost-effective.

The new system gives discounts based on how many times an EasyCard is used a month. Those taking 11 to 20 rides a month will get a 10 percent discount on fares, with the rate going up to 15 percent for 21 to 30 rides a month and 30 percent for 51 or more rides a month. Taipei Rapid Transit Corp. says the New Taipei City Government is on board.

There will be different levels of discounts based on how often you take (the MRT). The more rides, the more money you get back. After Feb. 1, the cashback rate will be tallied automatically when you add value to your card.

TRTC has already started counting MRT rides, which are tracked by card. The new system does not affect the NT$1,280 monthly pass or senior and children's fares.


民眾 吳同學表示:「沒有這麼頻繁地搭(捷運),如果(8折)取消掉的話,就覺得每天通勤族才會有優惠,減少我會想搭(捷運)一次、兩次的慾望。」

民眾 林先生表示:「搭乘捷運的部分,(每個月)大概差不多,25次到30次左右。(未來如果漲價會不會影響?) 還是會持續使用不會改變。」

民眾 吳小姐表示:「(會大幅影響到你的交通費嗎?) 現在不是有1280(定期票),也可以啊,這樣也比較划算。」


台北捷運公司課長 凌啟堯表示:「按照旅客搭乘次數,每個月來做分級回饋,搭越多現金回饋越多,會在2月1號結算之後,按照新優惠的方案,而用系統自動加值的方式,來回饋現金。」


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