
Developer Sentenced to Five Years in Yun Men Tsui Ti Case|花蓮雲翠大樓強震14死 建商等3人判刑5年

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Four buildings collapsed during the Feb. 6 earthquake in Hualien last year. Of the four, Yun Men Tsui Ti residential building had the most fatalities with 14. The Hualien District Court ruled on the case on Oct. 8, finding the developer, architect and civil engineer guilty of negligent death and sentencing them to five years imprisonment each. The ruling can be appealed.

Four buildings collapsed when a magnitude 6 earthquake struck Hualien on Feb. 6, 2018. The earthquake measured magnitude 7 in downtown Hualien. Fourteen people were injured or killed at the Yun Men Tsui Ti residential building. Prosecutors found that the developer was not only using someone else's construction license, but also used shoddy construction materials.

Rebar with strength of 4,200 kilogram force per square meter should have been used, but the rebar they used had strength of just 2,800 kilogram force per square meter. This means the rebar's tensile strength was inadequate.

Along with the developer, a court found the architect and civil engineer guilty of negligent death and sentenced the three to five years each.

There was negligence found in both structural design and construction. Because of this negligence, the building collapsed during the Feb. 6 earthquake. The court found all three dependents culpable and handed down the maximum sentence of five years imprisonment.

Victims say the sentence was way too light, especially when none of the defendants showed any remorse.

Everything you've worked for your entire life is taken from you in the blink of an eye, and that person only gets a 5-year sentence? Not to mention, 14 lives were lost here. From what I've seen, the developer has not shown an iota of remorse.

The Hualien District Court says negligent death is only punishable by a maximum of five years under Article 276 of the Criminal Code and the judge already handed down the maximum sentence. The ruling can be appealed.


花蓮地方法院發言人 黃鴻達表示:「本來應該要使用強度是,4200(kgf/平方)的鋼筋,卻錯誤使用2800(kgf/平方)的鋼筋,那相當於鋼筋量不足,導致於三分之一。」


花蓮地方法院發言人 黃鴻達表示:「結構設計還有施工方面,都諸多的缺失,所以在0206地震發生的時候,就導致於大樓倒塌,本院認為3位被告都有罪,那我們認為以量處,法定最高刑度各有期徒刑5年。」


雲門翠堤受災戶(時任主委) 林葳表示:「你一輩子所有辛苦建構起來的,一切都毀了,結果那個人卻只要判5年的刑期,而且在這中間的過程,卻有14條的人命也在裡面,我今天所看到的資料,建商他毫無悔意耶!」

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