Lawmakers Review Drunk Driving Revisions|酒駕擬加重罰則 立院今逐一審查提案

The Legislative Yuan Transportation Committee reviewed revisions to the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act on Mar. 25. Apart from moves to implement harsher fines and extend the length of license revocations, one lawmaker proposed looking into caning as a punishment. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications said harsher penalties help prevent drunk driving, and it respects the results of the Legislative Yuan's review. As for mandatory installation of ignition interlock devices, the ministry said more discussion is needed. The first review was proposed by the committee on Mar. 25 and will be submitted to the Legislative Yuan on Mar. 26.
The legislative Transportation Committee changed its agenda on the 25th to review revisions to the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act. One member of the committee suggested increasing the maximum fine for drunk driving from the current NT$ 90,000 to NT$ 500,000 and up to NT$ 1 million for repeat offenders and those driving under the influence of narcotics. The lawmaker also proposed a lifetime license ban in these cases.
We have exhausted all methods to put a stop to drunk driving and made changes to make the Criminal Code and Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act uniform. This will help with enforcement.
One committee member also proposed mandatory installation of ignition interlock devices in all new cars starting in 2021. In response, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications said the idea needs more discussion because of factors like the lack of an international breath alcohol standard, drunk drivers being able to have someone else breathe into the device, and unfairness to people who don't drink. One lawmaker also says stiff fines aren't enough and the Ministry of Justice should look into caning.
The system of caning severely violates human rights. Based on our current Criminal Code and the Ministry of Justice's current revision direction, we are not planning to introduce caning.
Revisions to drunk driving laws have been shelved time and time again, rousing the ire of the public. The draft will be sent to the legislature for the second reading on the 26th and cross-party consultations will be held. If all goes smoothly, the third reading could be completed before the end of the current legislative session.
針對酒駕相關修法、 立法院交通委員會週一變更議程,逐一審查委員提案,有委員提出酒駕最重應從9萬元提高到50萬元,累犯或嗑藥危險駕駛人,最高罰鍰提高至100萬元,且終身不得考領駕照。
交通部長 林佳龍表示:「窮盡所有的方法來遏止酒駕,讓這個包括刑法跟道交條例之間,能夠有一致性,讓執行上不會窒礙難行。」
法務部參事 劉英秀表示:「鞭刑這個制度對於人權的侵犯是相對是嚴重的,所以依照我們現在刑法的制度,還有法務部目前刑法的修正方向,都沒有把鞭刑納入考量。」