
One Killed, Five Injured in Guishan Fire|龜山1機車行深夜大火 祖孫三代1死5傷

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A three-story townhouse in Taoyuan's Guishan caught fire on the night of July 26. Six members of the family living there, including members of three generations, were trapped. Carrying his grandson, the grandfather jumped over to the adjacent townhouse and was rescued. However, the grandmother, did not survive, and three other family members still remain unconscious.

Burned scooters are scattered outside this moped repair shop in Taoyuan's Guishan. A fire broke out here on the night of the 26th. Five members of the six-member family living here survived.

I made the call and then rushed up. The fire was really big. (So there was only him?) (He jumped to the neighboring townhouse) He was carrying his grandson. (Carrying his grandson) Another one ran away. (He jumped to the neighboring townhouse. That's right.) I didn't have a phone. I couldn't contact anyone. (Was the fire big?) Really big. There was a second sound and the fire erupted outside.

The grandson was here visiting his grandparents during summer break. Firefighters were able to put out the fire in less than half an hour and rescue all six members of the family. Four were found without vital signs and were rushed to the hospital. The 60-year-old grandmother was pronounced dead at the hospital while the other three were resuscitated and currently being treated in the ICU.

The two that were rescued with the fire truck were rescued from the third floor of the adjacent building. All six people have been sent to the hospital. Three of them were showing signs of [out-of-hospital cardiac arrest].

The second- and third-floor balconies of the townhouse all had iron bars and there was an additional structure on the roof. Investigators believe this was an electrical fire that started on the first floor and spread quickly due to the presence of oil and gas. The investigation is ongoing.
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