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The new KMT Chair Wu Den-yih will be officially inaugurated at the KMT national congress. The new version of the policy website that he has been overseeing has been unveiled. Cross-strait policy is the most eagerly awaited strand of KMT policy. It stresses that it opposes Taiwan independence, and upholds the 1992 consensus with one China, respective interpretations and promotes exchange across the strait, replacing the former KMT Chair Hung Hsiu-chu's 'peace agreement'. Kuomintang Chair-elect Wu Den-yih will be officially inaugurated on August 20 at the national congress. The draft of the cross-strait policy program, led by Wu, has just been released. It is aimed at promoting cross-strait mutual trust and pursuing stability in Taiwan. It follows the Hu LIen 2005 meeting five point vision, 92 consensus and one China, each with its own timetable, as a basis. However, after Wu held a meeting with pan-blue legislators he said the policy was not yet finalised. ==WU DEN-YIH KMT Chair-elect== We sent an initial draft by letter to our over 1,000 party representatives and first asked them to express their views. When their comments are returned and collected, then there is a reviewing process. I will look at the last version and I have not yet expressed my opinion. According to the understanding the KMT 820 congress is scheduled to adopt the new Chair's policy program which continues to set the 1992 consensus and one China different timetables cross-strait policy. In September last year, the KMT national congress deleted the 'peace agreement' of the then-Chair Hung Hsiu-chu. ==CHEN HSUEH-SHENG KMT legislator == I think returning to the one China, different timetables and deepening the 92 consensus is what most of the KMT supports and is the direction that the party should move in, in the end the representatives at the national congress will decide. At the Aug. 20 congress as well as releasing the updated policy they will also discuss changing the election process for county and city councils. Wu also said that if necessary he would communicate closely and cooperate with the party in advance of the inauguration. TRANSLATED BY:CLARE LEAR 新任國民黨主席--吳敦義、將在八月全代會正式上任。由他主導的新版政策黨綱草案、也已經出爐,其中最受關注的兩岸政綱,強調堅決反對台獨,在九二共識、一中各表的政治基礎上,推動兩岸交流,以一中各表、取代前主席洪秀柱的和平協議。 國民黨準主席吳敦義將在820全代會正式就任,由吳敦義主導的兩岸政策綱領草案剛剛出爐,標舉增進兩岸互信,追求台灣穩定,以2005年連胡五項願景、九二共識、一中各表為基礎,不過,吳敦義上午和藍營立委座談後表示,現在還沒定案。 ==準國民黨主席 吳敦義== 初步的草稿先發函 送請我們所有1千多位黨代表 先請他們表示意見 意見回來以後 再彙整出來 還有一個過程 審查的過程 最後的一個關卡會我來看到 現在我還沒有表示意見 根據了解,國民黨八二○全代會預定通過新主席吳敦義時代的「政策綱領」內容,在兩岸政策上仍將定調「九二共識、一中各表」,而去年九月全代會通過要推動「和平協議」的前主席洪秀柱任內「政策綱領」內容,則被刪除。 ==國民黨立委 陳學聖== 我覺得回到一中各表 深化92共識是國民黨內大部分 從政同事的共同想法 所以取得最大的一個共識 應該是黨要走的方向 最後還是由黨代表大會來做決定 而820全代會上,除了通過研修後的政策綱領,還將討論通過委員會縣市主委直選辦法。吳敦義也鬆口表示,如果必要,將不再拘泥820就職,將會提早與黨團溝通進行密切溝通與合作。 記者 郭采彥 彭耀祖 台北報導
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