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Investigators have concluded the cause of death of a man and his mother. Their bodies were found in their home in Kaohsiung last Tuesday. Police say both of them had been bed-ridden, and were starved to death by their care giver, the man's brother and the mother's other son. Kaohsiung police arrested the suspect who was on the run for five days at an internet café. Police found tapes and plastic bags from suspect's motorcycle. The suspect surnamed Kung sealed up all gaps in his second floor residence in Fengshan, and left his mother who had stroke and his brother both in hunger till death. ==WANG CHUN-SHENG Detective Captain, Kaohsiung Police Fengshan Precinct== The suspect did not feed his mother starting June 3, and his mother therefore died in June 6. His older brother also died three days later. The suspect said that he fed his brother with some sleeping pills. The Kung Family had NT$20,000 social pension per month, the suspect's mother also had NT$60,000 saving. According to police investigation, the suspect maybe indulged himself into gambling. He was not able to pay nursing home in May and therefore brought his mother and bother home. The suspect bought charcoals in June 2 and plotted the scene as charcoal suicide incident. ==WANG CHUN-SHENG Detective Captain, Kaohsiung Police Fengshan Precinct== People contributed some money to the suspect and helped him, but he took all the money and spent for his own use. The suspect accompanied two corpses for 20 some days and left home on June 29. A care giver became a murderer. Kaohsiung Social Affairs Bureau said, if they were notified early, they could enforce a mandatory settlement. ==YEH YU-JU Deputy Dir.-general, Kaohsiung Social Affairs Bureau== If we were notified of such case, we should had settle her first to nursing home, allowing nursing home to take care of her first. The fees would be paid by public social welfare department. The bureau emphasized, sometimes social pension is not able to solve all problems. It is important for social workers, neighbors, and relatives to visit needy people on regular basis and notify government departments whenever necessary. TRANSLATED BY: ANTHONY LIN 上周二,高雄鳳山發生一對中風的母子陳屍家中,負責照顧的他們的50歲小兒子,留下遺書,不知去向。昨晚警方在網咖,找到這名兒子,初步調查發現,小兒子疑似沈迷賭博,花光家中積蓄和救助金,讓中風的母親和哥哥,活活餓死。今天中午他被移送法辦,裁定收押。 警方在網咖,找到追緝5天的龔姓男子,並且在他的機車,起出大量膠布和塑膠袋,證實就是他,把位在鳳山的二樓公寓住家,封得密不透風,再把中風的母親和哥哥,活活餓死。 ==高雄市鳳山警分局偵察隊長 王春生== 他是在6月3日左右 開始沒有餵食母親 在6月6日母親就因此死亡 他的兄長的部分 是隔3天之後才死 他是有說 有跟他餵食一些安眠藥 龔家一個月有2萬多元社會救助金,母親也有積蓄60萬元。警方調查,嫌犯可能沈迷賭博,花光所有錢,今年5月未繳款給養護機構,5月底把母兄接回家中,6月2日就去買炭,預謀佈置成燒炭自殺。 ==高雄市鳳山警分局偵察隊長 王春生== 私底下都有一些善款給他 協助他 不過這些錢他都佔為己有 然後去花用 直到兩人餓死,嫌犯還伴屍20多天,到6月29日才離家。而對於照顧者變加害者,高雄市社會局表示,若提早發現,可以強行安置。 == 高雄市社會局副局長 葉玉如== 如果能通知有這樣的情況 應該我們可能會先把她 先安置 送到機構 讓機構先做處理 這些費用 公部門資源會先出 社會局強調,有時救助金無法解決照顧問題,除了社工定期訪視,親友和鄰居對獨力照顧者也可以多留意,通報異狀,政府就有機會採取不同的作法。 記者 王介村 陳顯坤 高雄報導
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