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After prosecutors charged the former Academia Sinica President Wong Chi-huey for corruption, the Control Yuan passed the impeachment motion against Wong on July 4. The case will be handled by the Public Functionary Disciplinary Sanction Commission. ==WANG MEI-YU Control Yuan Member== I feel heavy-hearted and very sorry. On July 4, the Control Yuan passed the impeachment motion against former Academia Sinica President Wong Chi-huey. Members of the Control Yuan criticized Wong for failing to avoid a conflict of interest and lying to the public. ==CHANG KUEI-MEI Control Yuan Member== Wong said so himself that OBI Pharma was a different company from these companies. They were actually the same company under different names. According to the Control Yuan's investigation, Wong asked OBI Pharma Chairman Michael Chang to purchase stocks for him and gained $42,000 without paying for the 1.5 million shares he asked for. He used his position to profit the company and make personal gains through the spreads. He also lied to the public about his stock holding in the company. ==PAO TSUNG-HO Control Yuan Member== The president did not pay for the stocks, but he made huge personal gains in this, which violates the Civil Servant Work Act. Wong has been indicted by prosecutors. Now that the Control Yuan has passed the impeachment motion, the case will proceed to the Public Functionary Disciplinary Sanction Commission. Translated By LUKE CHIANG 前中央研究院長翁啟惠捲入浩鼎內線交易案,檢調已依不違背職務收賄罪起訴,監察院立案調查後,在今天以9票贊成0票反對,一致通過對翁啟惠的彈劾,並將全案移送公務員懲戒委員會。 ==監察委員 王美玉== 覺得很沉重 非常遺憾 監察院今天已9票對0票,通過前中研院長翁啟惠的彈劾案,監委批評翁啟惠嚴重損害政府信譽,帶頭違反中研院技轉有關利益衝突迴避規定,又公開說謊,言行失當,違背誠信,損害政府聲譽,違法失職事證明確。 ==監察委員 仉桂美== 約詢翁啟惠親口說 實際上浩鼎跟這個幾家公司 他們只是不同的名稱 但事實上應該是同一個 根據監察院調查,翁啟惠在院長任內,指示浩鼎公司董事長張念慈,代墊款項購買股票牟利,未付分文就獲利4.2萬美金,並取得浩鼎150萬股技術股,圖利該公司取得中研院醣分子研究成果,並涉及低買高賣獲取暴利;又對外發表攸關公司和本身利益的評論,掩飾利益關係,並謊稱沒購買股票等,已明確逾越分際。 ==監察委員 包宗和== 院長他沒有支付任何的經費 但是透過這樣子的一個運作 得到相當大的一個利益 所以這個都是違反了公服法 檢調已依不違背職務收賄罪起訴翁啟惠,監察院彈劾後,全案移送公務人員懲戒委員會,屆時依法最重可處免職並剝奪退休金等處分;中研院則表示尊重程序,翁啟惠目前特聘研究員的身分還不受影響。 記者 李曉儒 莊志成 台北報導
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