The Presidential Office issued a statement yesterday to congratulate US President Trump on his inauguration, hoping to further strengthen the US-Taiwan relations. President Tsai Ing-wen also congratulated Trump on Twitter. Analysts feel that the US-Taiwan relationship will continue to warm up after Trump took office. However, the Taiwan government must prepare for the political struggle between the US and China now that Trump does not adhere to the One-China policy, so Taiwan will not become a bargaining chip. The world had been watching Trump's inauguration. President Tsai tweeted her congratulations to Trump on her tweeter. President Tsai stated, the U.S. is the most import ally to Taiwan in international society. Both have close cooperation on politics, trade, security and culture. The U.S. has contributed to peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia Pacific region. Taiwan looks forward to advancing their friendship and partnership. Analysts pointed out that President Trump opens a new era for the U.S., China and Taiwan; although Trump reiterated protectionism, but Trump may maintain the existing ally relations. Taiwan keeps a role in the U.S.'s anti-terrorism ally. ==CHEN YI-HSIN, Institute of Latin American Studies Prof. TKU== I don't think that he will completely withdraw from TTP. He may want to have other nations to compromise, develop a pact similar to TPP and led by the U.S. The name of the pact may not be the same. Trump may not only ask Taiwan, also Japan and South Korea to pay and act in the anti-terrorism alliance. Cross-strait relations analysts say, China is to convene the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party in the fall. How does Taiwan fight for democracy under One China framework? ==CHANG WU-YUEH, Tamkang Univ. China Studies Professor== In short time, we anticipate conflicts and integration for the China-U.S. relations, I think that will be unavoidable. The strengthen relations between the U.S. and Taiwan is predictable. But we need to prevent China from oppressing, and cause negative consequential effects. Taiwan Government dispatched a delegation to attend President Trump's inauguration. Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs protested and regarded the behavior sabotaging China-U.S. relations. Scholars warn the governments, the cross-strait relations are facing crisis and turning point, the governments need to make proper judgments to minimize risks. TRANSLATED BY:ANTHONY LIN 總統府今天針對美國總統川普就職,也發出賀電,期待台美關係能更進一步,總統蔡英文也在推特上發文恭喜川普。學者分析,川普上台,台美關係預期升溫,但在中美角力之間,川普揚棄一中政策框架,政府應有因應之道,避免變成中美籌碼。 川普正式上任美國總統,就職大典全球關注,總統蔡英文第一時間也推特發文,恭喜川普,總統府的賀電則強調,美國是台灣在國際上最重要的盟友,長久以來雙方在政治、經貿、安全與文化等等領域緊密的合作,對亞太地區的和平、穩定與繁榮更有積極的貢獻,期待未來台美關係能在既有良好的基礎上,更進一步的發展與合作。 學者則認為,川普開啟美中台新時代,從他以美國優先的主軸來看,川普雖強調保護主義,但預料仍會維持舊有聯盟關係,台灣在美反恐聯盟上,仍有角色。 ==淡江大學美研所教授 陳一新== 我不認為他會完全放棄TPP 他可能是要各國要做更多的讓步 發展出一個以美國 繼續主導的一個類似TPP 名稱可能不盡然相同 川普上來可能不只會要求台灣 要求日本南韓在反恐聯盟中 出錢出力 兩岸學者認為,中國秋天將召開19大,台灣如何川普揚棄一中框架之下,維持重要性? ==淡江大學陸研所教授 張五岳== 短期間之內中美關係 進一步的摩擦和磨合 我看大概是很難避免 美台關係的強化 我相信某種程度是可以預期的 但是我們要嚴防中國大陸 進一步施壓 使兩岸關係 產生一些不利的影響 對於我方代表團赴美參加就職典禮,引起中國外交部抗議,批評是藉機干擾破壞中美關係,學者強調兩岸關係不能再壞,否則轉機變危機,都考驗政府判斷。 記者 李曉儒 張國樑 台北報導