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Does the use of dental amalgam lead to mercury poisoning? A woman suffering from hair loss, insomnia and pain could not find the reason why she was sick. After doing a hair test, it was found that she had hair mercury levels as high as 5ppm. However, the cause was unknown since she neither eats deep-sea fish nor is exposed to mercury contamination. Therefore, the doctor suggested her to have three dental amalgam fillings removed, and her hair grew back within half a year. Suffering from hair loss, insomnia and pain, a woman over 50 years old was found having hair mercury levels as high as 5ppm. Since she neither eats deep-sea fish nor is exposed to mercury contamination, the doctor suggested her to have three dental amalgam fillings removed. After removing them, her hair grew back within half a year. ==CHENG TUN-FANG Director of Tamsui District Public Health Center == The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency established an action level of 1 ppm in hair. She had a hair mercury level of 5ppm. She said she had her amalgam fillings when she was a junior-high school student. She was about 54 years old at that time when she suffered from the sickness. She had three amalgam fillings removed. Some research found that the number of amalgam fillings is associated with mercury levels in the brain. If one shows symptoms of chronic mercury poisoning, such as allergy, pain, insomnia, hair loss and elevated liver enzymes, then one had better get tested for mercury. However, dentists think that amalgam is safe from a scientific point of view. It is not advised to have amalgam fillings removed. ==WANG WEI-MU Director of Department of Dentistry, Taiwan Adventist Hospital== Amalgam is a stable material. When we use tungsten carbide burs to remove amalgam, the process generates a lot of vapors. Dentist, dental assistant, and even the patient may inhale some metal particles. Therefore, it is unnecessary to remove good amalgam fillings since removing them can release more mercury. In fact, Norway has stopped using dental amalgam to restore teeth since 2011 for the sake of the environment. In the U.S., Germany, France, the UK, and Australia, children under 6, pregnant women, and patients with renal insufficiency are advised to use alternatives, for example, composite resin. The Ministry of Health and Welfare said that the history of amalgam use has been over 150 years, and no research has confirmed dental amalgams to be responsible for mercury poisoning. TRANSLATED BY:ARIEL HSIEH 頭髮掉個不停,晚上還會失眠,出現疼痛,一名50多歲的婦人四處就醫都找不到原因,直到用頭髮檢驗,發現體內含汞量為5ppm,但她不吃深海魚,也找不到環境中其他汞中毒的汙染,後來在醫師建議下,除掉補銀粉的3顆牙齒,半年後,頭髮逐漸長回來了。 ==淡水衛生所主任 鄭惇方== 美國環保署的參考值是1PPM 她那時候驗出來是有達到5PPM 她說她國中的時候就補了 她那時候來看是50幾歲 54歲 那是有處理掉了3顆的銀粉 醫生表示,國外有研究顯示,銀粉補牙數量與腦細胞汞濃度有關,如果曾以銀粉補過牙齒,又出現不明原因過敏、疼痛、失眠、掉髮、肝指數偏高..等慢性汞中毒症狀,就可考慮檢驗血液、頭髮中的汞濃度。 但牙醫則認為,從科學學理來看,銀粉是安全的,而且每個人的牙齒及體質狀況不同,除非很在意,否則不建議刻意去除口中銀粉。 ==台安醫院牙科主任 王巍穆== (銀粉)它是個穩定材料 用牙科的鑽針把它磨掉 在磨的過程中 其實會噴很多的水蒸氣 醫生 助理 甚至病人本身 他會吸進這些可能的 含有金屬或重金屬的微塵粒子 如果已經填補進去 如果不是很明顯的蛀牙 會建議就讓它維持穩定就好 事實上為了環保,挪威從2011年起就禁止用銀粉補牙,但包括美、德、法、英國、澳洲,則是建議6歲以下幼兒、懷孕婦女及腎功能不全的患者不要用,改用樹脂等其他替代,衛福部則表示,銀粉補牙超過150年歷史,目前未有實證研究會引起汞中毒。 記者 吳雅瑜 林國煌 台北報導
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