
AT&T acquisition sparks media monopoly concerns / AT&T併時代華納定案 金額近860億美元          

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Another major acquisition deal has been announced. ATT, the second largest telecommunications service provider in the US, announced that it will acquire Time Warner, an American multinational media and entertainment conglomerate. The 85 billion deal marks the world's largest merger this year. ATT is soon to become the owner of HBO, CNN, and Warner Bros. On October 22nd, ATT and Time-Warner have agreed to a tie-up, in which ATT will purchase Time-Warner in a cash-and-stock deal worth US $85.4 billion, or roughly NT$2.7 trillion. This is the world's largest merger deal in 2016, which will allow ATT to become a major provider of broadband Internet, telecommunications services, pay-TV, and media content. Since ATT is one of the largest pay-TV providers in the United States, the merger will have to go through the Department of Justice's antitrust division and the Federal Communications Commission. However, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has stated that he will not approve this deal. ==DONALD TRUMP, Republican Presidential Candidate== They're trying desperately to suppress my vote and the voice of the American people. ATT is buying Time Warner and thus CNN, a deal we will not approve in my administration because it's too much concentration of power in the hands of too few. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton stated that she will also scrutinize the deal. Many US senators have openly expressed their concerns over ATT's potential monopoly. Many in the media industry believe that the merger could hinder competition and give rise to unfair pricing and more MA cases in the industry. The society's growing concerns over the merger deal may put it under greater scrutiny than Comcast's acquisition of NBC Universal in 2009. TRANSLATED BY:LUKE CHIANG HBO、 CNN以及華納兄弟影業,未來的東家可能變成美國電信巨人ATT。ATT跟時代華納兩家公司董事會,22號通過合併案,ATT同意以現金加股權的方式,斥資854億美元、大約新台幣2.7兆併購時代華納,這不僅是2016年全球金額最大的企業合併案,未來ATT將因此創造一個結合寬頻網路、行動通信、有線電視、衛星電視以及影視娛樂節目的大帝國。 由於ATT同時也是美國第三大有線電視業者,這項合併案還得通過美國司法部反托拉斯法規審查,以及聯邦通訊委員會的許可,但是美國共和黨總統候選人川普已經表明不會批准。 ==共和黨總統候選人 川普== 媒體正試圖拼命壓制我的選票 以及美國人的聲音 ATT想買時代華納跟CNN 一旦我當選絕對不會批准 因為這樣會使權力 集中在極少數人身上 民主黨候選人希拉蕊則表示,會嚴格處理。另外多位美國參議員也公開表達關切,擔憂ATT因此掌握的媒體相關事業過於龐大,造成壟斷跟獨佔。還有美國媒體認為這項合併阻礙競爭、創造不公平的定價,並可能引發媒體界的整併風。在各界的放大鏡檢視下,這筆交易案可能比2009年,美國最大有線電視公司康卡斯特,跟美國國家廣播環球集團的合併案,面臨更嚴格的審查。 記者 陳秋玫 報導
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