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In New Taipei City's Wulai district, rising river levels reached road surfaces and caused severe flooding. Meanwhile, at the 10.2 kilometer section of Provincial Highway 9, roads have been washed away by extreme rainfall, effectively disrupting traffic and potentially leaving the remote district isolated. ==CHU-CHIH-I, PTS Correspondent== We are now at the Guishan bridge that connects Xindian and Wulai. The rain is still pouring and the winds howling. Turbulent streams of water could be seen rushing past the bridge piers, almost pushing water levels above the yellow alert line. ==CHOU, Government Contractor== We've sealed off the bridge. (Can you tell us what's happening?) What's happening is that the winds are staggering, the rain is overwhelming and the water is gushing. In the midst of the storm, even speaking requires remarkable effort. Mountainous areas in Wulai were heavily hit by typhoon Soudelor last year and sustained widespread damage. This time, the area once again bears the brunt of the storm. Heavy machinery could be seen on standby along the provincial highway, ready for emergency response any moment. Yesterday morning, New Taipei City Mayor Eric Chu personally inspected the Guishan bridge and Provincial Highway 9. ==ERIC CHU, New Taipei City Mayor== Mountains in Xindian and Wulai would be most heavily hit. Sanxia as well as various river fronts might experience flooding as well, as these districts are connected by the same mountains. We must stay on the highest alert as typhoon Soudelor from last year already caused severe damage in the area. Within a few hours after Chu inspected Wulai, turbulent floodwater in the river washed away the 10.2 kilometer section of Provincial Highway 9 at 4:30pm. At the same time, rising river levels have caused severe flooding for local communities, inundating residential houses and businesses alike. Traffic in and out of Wulai is currently sealed off, potentially leaving the remote area isolated once again. TRANSLATED BY:JEFF CHANG ==記者 朱芷儀== 這裡是新店烏來的龜山橋下 現在狂風暴雨 滾滾黃流傾瀉而下 可以看到橋墩下的柱子 溪水已經快要超過黃色警戒線 ==工務局包商 周先生== 現在已經在管制了 (你可以幫我們講一下) (大概的狀況嗎)大概狀況就是 風大 雨大 水位暴漲嘛 一陣風雨吹過,連受訪的工程人員都難掩痛苦神情,去年烏來山區就已經受到蘇迪勒颱風重創,造成不少災情,因此這次也被列為梅姬颱風的首要警戒區,沿線的救災大型機具隨時待命、準備上陣,早上新北市長朱立倫也到烏來龜山橋、台9甲10.2公里處、烏來攬勝橋視察。 ==新北市長 朱立倫== 新店山區 還有烏來山區影響最大 還有三峽 還有河濱 他是後面山是連結在一起的 所以我們一定 一定要特別注意 因為去年蘇迪勒 這邊造成很大的傷害 沒想到才勘查完沒多久,到了下午4點30分,梅姬颱風的雨量也越來越驚人,台9甲線10.2公里處因為山區大雨造成邊坡坍塌,烏來覽勝橋水位直接淹上路面,泥水沖進民宅,烏來老街、溫泉旅館都飽受水患之災,目前交通中斷,恐怕又發生蘇迪勒重創時的宛如孤島的情況。 記者 綜合報導
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