
Admission rate of 97.4% for high schools / 高中職免試.特色招生放榜 恐出現減班          

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This year's high school entrance results were released at 11am on July 5th, at an admission rate of 97.4%. However, while in total 250,000 positions were open, only around 200,000 students applied. According to a junior high school principal, as birth rates continue to drop, high schools might have to start reduce classes from this year onward. At 11am on July 5th, students were eager to check the results of the high school admission online. These two students who graduated from Taipei Municipal Zhongzheng Junior High School were excited, because they were admitted, respectively, to Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School and Taipei First Girls High School, their first choices. ==CHAO YUAN-CHUN, junior high school graduate== I was certain that I will get into Taipei First Girls High School because I got all As. So I am very happy. ==KU TING-HUNG, junior high school graduate== I applied to the Science Class at National Taiwan Normal University Affiliated High School but I didn't get in. This means that I have room for improvement in science. There were 251,204 places for exam-free admission this year but only 204,584 applicants. The admission rate was 97.4%. 72.5% of the students got their top three choices, especially in Taitung, Hualien and Kinmen. The unfilled 41,914 places means that classes may decreased this year and next year. ==YU KUO-CHENG, Principal, Zhongzheng Junior High School== Low birth rate is an issue. If high schools don't decrease the total number of classes, they have to decrease the size of each class. Otherwise, the planned enrollment figure will always larger than the number of applicants. The 12 year compulsory education policy extended the waiting period for high school admission. Therefore this year the exam-free admission as well as the special achievement and screening-based admission saw results come out on July 5th. Students who did not get admitted in this round can apply during the second round of admissions. TRANSLATED BY:HSIEH JUNG 11點一到,考生隨即上網查榜單,緊張心情全寫在臉上,不過,一看到錄取到錄取心中的理想學校,隨即展開笑顏,這兩名中正國中的畢業生,參加免試入學,分別錄取建中以及北一女,上了填寫的第一志願。 ==國中畢業生 趙元君== 就因為滿級分 就是一定是 穩上北一女 所以就是很篤定 所以就是很開心 ==國中畢業生 顧庭弘== 我有去申請附中的科學班 但是附中的科學班沒有上 所以可見說 我在自然科學這方面 還需要再加強 今年的免試入學,高中職釋出25萬1204個招生名額,但報考人數只有20萬4584人,錄取率達到97.4%,其中有72.5%學生,是以前三志願錄取到學校,其中,以花蓮區最高,其次是台東和金門,只是錄取率再高,卻還有高達4萬1914名的缺額,沒有招滿,今年甚至明年,高中恐怕將會出現大幅減班現象。 ==中正國中校長 余國珍== 現在是少子化的問題 如果高中職這個部份不減班 也要每班人數 要做減少這樣的調整 否則的話 應該是變成 未來永遠錄取人數 都遠大於報名的人數 十二年國教入學政策,實施幾年下來,因為期程太漫長,讓學生等待放榜期間,備受煎熬,因此,今年則特別採取免試入學和特色招生,一次分發到位,5號統一放榜,7號辦理報到,如果沒錄取的學生還可以再參加續招。 記者 蔡慧玲 邱福財 台北報導
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