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In a historic ruling yesterday, Taiwan's constitutional court clears the way for same sex marriage. According to the nation's highest court, the inability of existing civil codes to guarantee equal marriage rights for all people, is unconstitutional. The court gives the government's executive and legislative branches 2 years to legalize same sex marriage, either by amending existing laws or enacting a new separate law, paving the way for Taiwan to become the first Asian country that recognizes same sex marriage. Taipei City Government and gay rights advocate Chi Chia-wei petitioned for a constitutional interpretation on same-sex marriage. Grand justices from the Judicial Yuan ruled the Civil Code unconstitutional for denying same-sex marriage. ==LU TAI-LANG Secretary-general, Judicial Yuan== (The Civil Code) do not allow two same-sex persons to create a permanent union of intimate and exclusive nature for the committed purpose of managing a life together. The said provisions violate both the people's freedom of marriage as protected by Article 22 and the people's right to equality as guaranteed by Article 7 of the Constitution. Grand justices stated, Article 972 of Marriage Chapter regulates that marriage shall be made by the male and the female parties does not guarantee marriage freedom. The authorities concerned shall amend or enact relevant laws within two years from the issuance of this interpretation. ==LU TAI-LANG Secretary-general, Judicial Yuan== If relevant laws are not amended or enacted within the said period, two persons of the same sex who intend to create permanent union shall be allowed to have their marriage registration effectuated by submitting a written document signed by two or more witnesses at the authorities in charge of household registration. Among the 15 grand justices in the council, two justices opposed to this constitutional interpretation. Many foreign media reported the announcement and witnessed Taiwan becoming the first country in Asia to recognize same-sex marriage. It's also a new milestone for marriage equality. TRANSLATED BY: ANTHONY LIN 同性婚姻能否合化法?今天有了重大進展,司法院大法官下午宣布釋憲結果,認定現行民法的婚姻規定,沒有保障「同性婚姻」已經違憲,有關機關必須在解釋文公布後,二年內完成法律的修正或制定,這個歷史性的釋憲案,讓台灣成為亞洲第一個承認同性婚姻的國家。 台北市政府和同志祈家威,聲請同婚釋憲,在召開憲法法庭辯論後,司法院大法官24號做出解釋,認定民法中婚姻規定,限制了同性結婚,已經違反憲法。 ==司法院秘書長 呂太郎== 未使相同性別之二人  得為經營共同生活之目的  成立具有親密性 及排他性之永久結合關係  於此範圍內 與憲法第22條保障人民婚姻自由 以及第七條 保障人民平等權之意旨有違 大法官認定,婚姻章第972條規定,婚約限於一男一女始得訂定的規定,沒有保障婚姻自由cgout,有關機關應在解釋公布日起兩年內,完成相關法律的修正或制定。 ==司法院秘書長 呂太郎== 逾期未完成相關法律 之修正或制定者  相同性別二人 為成立上開永久結合關係  得依上開婚姻章規定 持兩人以上證人簽名之書面  向戶政機關辦理結婚登記 這次釋憲,15名大法官中,仍有兩名大法官,提出部分不同意和不同意書,在公布解釋文的現場,吸引多家外國媒體採訪,也見證了台灣成為亞洲第一個承認同性婚姻的國家,為國內爭取同性婚姻運動、立下新的里程碑。 記者 蔡慧玲 郭俊麟 台北報導

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